Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome to Left Field

Welcome to Left Field
Starring: Constance and Conrad
The Contented, Collegiate Cows of Northfield
Published in in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Why cows? I created this cartoon strip about cows because I think I was one in a previous life... kidding. I actually have always loved cartooning, and have illustrated books and have had some one-off cartoons published. I had always imagined that I would have a comic strip of my own one day, and doggedly pursued some other cartoon strip efforts with other individuals (writers and the like). Deep down, I knew I was supposed to be working independently. So... one day I was having dinner at the Froggy Bottom in Northfield, with my friend, Lori B.Williams, when she introduced me to Rob, the owner/publisher of the Northfield Entertainment Guide. I half jokingly asked if his magazine was in need of a cartoon strip. He thought for a moment, and then he said that he had been giving some consideration about having a cartoon strip, or something like that, to generate additonal interest in his magazine. Well, that was all I needed to hear! I flew back out to California (where I was living at the time) and put my thinking cap on....  I had lived in Northfield briefly the year before, and had spent a lot of time hanging out there for a few years - it was a special time in my life. I went to bed the first night  back in San Diego, and it came to me in a semi-dream state... when you enter Northfield a huge sign greets you that says: "Northfield - Cows, Colleges, and Contentment". BINGO! (no, the sign doesn't say 'bingo', that's just my inspired aha moment). I will draw COWS!!!!! Contented, collegiate cows!!! (technically a cow and a bull, 'cows' just sounds better). "Yes!" I thought (or more likely I said it outloud because I talk to myself alot - which makes me look crazy, but I know that geniuses do that alot, so I am going on that premise), "I will create a couple of cows! And they always run around in a cap and gown - being collegiate and all. And they get into all kinds of interesting situations in Northfield. I didn't want them to be from Northfield, I wanted them to find Northfield and settle there... the perfect way to introduce them to Northfield was to have them be new in town. Yet, I wanted them to fit in right away, and the Contented Cow Pub was the perfect scenario for their first day in Northfield! It's like they just knew that they were 'home'. My mind was reeling with all kinds of cow/bovine references, and kinda like connecting the dots, I could just picture them at certain events and venues! I envisioned single paneled publishings infused with the layered wit of  universally or culturally understood cow humor, distinct personality traits in the characters, and locations and references clearly indigenous to Northfield. I have enjoyed developing the characters, plots, and ploys. Most ideas come to me in the middle of the night. I keep a notebook on my nightstand (sometimes I cannot clearly decipher what I have written at, say, 3 a.m., but I can remember the essence of the idea upon looking at my scribbles). Sometimes people have made suggestions (family, friends, and fans) that I can use... and, if their suggestion is not something I had already thought of, I give them a byline. I always wanted to use the byline "aided and abetted by..." - as if they helped me rob a bank or something (like Jesse James, right?). That alone is worth a laugh :)
I have found myself having a fondness for cows these days, and I have a nice connection with the town of Northfield. Left Field has helped honor my cartoon passion, and has helped me maintain a connection to Northfield.
Check out my cartoon, Left Field, on the 1st of every month, usually on page 3 or 4 of the Northfield Entertainment Guide. You can view it online in the guide (see link below).  I will also post each cartoon on my blog, as well as my online store at cafe press (also see link below).

Peace, Love, and Laughter,
Sherri Faye

(c) 2009 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.

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