Friday, September 3, 2010

Corned Beef or Tongue in Cheek 2

                       Sherri Faye (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved.  IMAGINEnation by Sherri Faye

Corned Beef or Tongue in Cheek
Episode 23 of Left Field
Published June 1, 2010 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Simply Fodder For Your Next Cocktail Party 

by Sherri Faye ©2010

Grass-Fed vs. Corn-fed.
Sounds like a serious court case in Iowa or something ~ one that would be oft referenced in both classroom and courtroom for decades to come. I guess there's a huge difference in taste, which seemingly correlates with the ethical treatment of bovine as well. We, as the giant, fat, lazy nation of the globe, are attempting to become more consumption- conscious. I, for one, am all for it. I may produce a comic strip about personified cattle. And I am a mo-geterian (mostly vegetarian). But I am not opposed to the consumption of animals in moderate amounts.  Humans are omnivores, designed to survive on both fauna and flora. I'm in favor of healthy choices. Including the manner and method in which the care and feeding of animals in general is conducted (pets or protein sources). Let cattle run in grassy fields, eating cow-salad to their hearts content. Strapping a corn-feed bag to their faces, keeping them tightly corralled until execution day, to achieve the goal of a nice, juicy, tender steak from a fat, flaccid animal is, at the very least, inhumane. We've proven the old adage of "you are what you eat" to be true. Now the trick is to make grass-fed beef more cost effective. Run free cows! Run free! Eat grass and be happy until you arrive on our dinner plates! Meanwhile, I'm on a diet.