Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hi M.O.M.

Episode 27: Hi M.O.M.
Getting ready for a Halloween Costume Party...
Enter: Conrad, superhero.  
(c) Sherri Faye 2010   All Rights Reserved
Hi M.O.M.
Episode 27 of Left Field
Published October 1, 2010 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide
Aided and Abetted by Matt Scheisl

Simply Fodder For Your Next Cocktail Party
by Sherri Faye (c) 2010

Holy Cow Capes, Batman, have I ever wracked my brain for over a year figuring out how to incorporate Malt-O-Meal into my comic strip!  Many moons ago, a friend of mine suggested that I drum up Left Field mayhem featuring the beloved cereal company. Matt (said friend) and I occasionally hoist a brew or three at a little hangout in Dinkytown, known as the Blarney Pub & Grill. While recently enjoying a barley pop together we talked about how much we love the smell of  the Malt-O-Meal factory. Matt descends upon Northfield for business from time to time. He described it as a very pleasant, almost popcorny smell wafting through town. Some days it has a delectable chocolatey scent - that’s my favorite. I think Malt-O-Meal lends itself to Northfield in an almost “Willie Wonka” kinda way. Can’t you just picture it? Imagine rivers concocted of breakfast food running through the place. Gondola’s careening about that are constructed of giant cereal bowls, with big ol’ spoons for oars.  I bet some wild-haired guy is in charge of the whole shebang, with little Malt-O-Peeps scurrying about doing his bidding. Oh, the things we can think! I wonder if I can get a tour? Maybe Malt-O-Meal will have a golden ticket in a box of good ol’ fashioned hot cereal.

(c) 2010 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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