Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Say Fromage (or Beef Tips III)


Episode 31: Say Fromage (Beef Tips III)

Starring: Constance and Conrad
~The Contented, Collegiate, Chuckling Cows of Northfield~

Constance continues to continue with her advice column, Beef Tips...

Say Fromage (Beef Tips III)
Episode 31 of Left Field
Published February, 2011 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide
Aided and Abetted by Anonymous

Simply Fodder For Your Next Cocktail Party  
by Sherri Faye (c) 2011

Dear Constance,
    Do the cows at the Bel cheese factory (home of “Laughing Cow”) in France really laugh, and why? What’s so funny about cheese?
~ Anonymous Cheese Lover
Dear Anonymous
(and possibly paranoid),
   Cows do laugh, look at me!? However, an entire factory of laughing cows piqued my interest. Conrad and I embarked on a bit of industrial fromage-espionage - a trip to France had been long overdue anyway.  I can only speculate, as we were unable to enter the facility. Apparently we were not laughing enough, and our hides are not the appropriate shade of fire-engine red. I deduce that all the chuckling is a result of the fact that the factory is seated snuggly between two culprit buildings. One producing clouds of feathers, the other, laughing gas.
    My question is, why the anonymity? Are you a cheese-aholic who fell off the cheddar wagon? Maybe you are cheese-a-phobic, and fear venturing outside the consumption of Krafty  slabs of ‘fake-cheese-food’. Whatever the case, your need for secrecy is cause to chuckle. Guess that makes me a laughing cow after all. Thanks for writing and remember “She who laughs, lasts.”
~ Constance

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Or post it on this blog. 

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Got a burning question that needs a little bovine wisdom, cow comedy (or maybe just some cranberry juice)? Send it to this blog or to one of my email addresses listed below. If your question is featured in a Left Field/Beef Tips comic strip you will receive an “Aided and Abetted by” credit (can use an alias if requested) and a $15 gift certificate the week of publication. Ideas and contributions for future general Left Field comics also qualify.
Caution: Take advice at your own risk. May cause laughing. Right to use artist’s license and writer’s whim reserved.


(c) 2011 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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