Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bell View

Bell View
Episode 7 of Left Field
Published Oct. 1, 2008 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

STRANGE (and often clanking) BUT TRUE FACTOIDS
Or, Simply Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye ©2008

Do Cows Like Cowbells? I don’t know… can you imagine actually liking a huge clanking bell hanging around your neck? Alerting everyone for miles around of your every move? Yikes! Or should I say, Moo! On the other hand (or should I say, hoof), perhaps some bovine find it comforting, if for no other reason than familiarity.
Moreover, Do Cows Like Music? I once read that some dairy farmers piped in relaxing soft and classical music to their dairy farms ‘milking rooms’. Thereby creating an environment where-in the subjects of this experiment allegedly produced more milk. Is this true? Again, I don’t know, but it could be. Why, just this past summer, as I spent some time with a friend in the Chicago area, I spent an evening listening to the overtures of Beethoven’s 5th in an outdoor park setting in Lake Forest at what is known as “Ravinia”. While looking at the stars and absorbing the strains of beautiful music coming from the orchestra pit, I found myself drifting into a very peaceful relaxation. I must partially credit the sense of suspended animation to having imbibed in a delightful libation: that of a particularly smooth glass of pinot noir. Though I did not find myself spontaneously lactating, I did notice a definite soothing and rhythmic effect on myself and all sentient beings in the area. The music, the surrounding life forms of people, pets and creatures present, including the crickets, seemed to become one. Classical music is most definitely something to be experienced. And that particular experience leads me to believe that, yes, cows likely do enjoy music… at least some kinds of music.
In fact, I would imagine that Constance, and Conrad as well, would have taste in music that spans genre and time. I bet she loves all kinds of music! From yesterday’s Elvis and the Beatles, to today’s Coldplay and Augustana. I imagine she even has a soft spot for the 70’s music of Grand Funk Railroad and their penchant for using the cowbell in some of their biggest hits! But, I digress.
I invite you to join Constance and Conrad in supporting the rich local music scene in Northfield. Attend local concert and entertainment venues and check out local bands! And be sure to plan for an enchanting evening of music with the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra 2008-2009 season. Hey, maybe the CVRO will exercise the use of a certain piece of farm gear? Heh-heh.. and I don’t mean the triangle… now, there’s another story… Again, I digress.
Confession: To a certain extent, this is a thinly disguised homage to actor Christopher Walken, who immortalized the cry in the famed episode of SNL (Saturday Night Live) wherein an entire band and it’s drama was built around the cantankerous percussion ‘instrument’… “More Cowbell!”

(c) 2008 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.

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