Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dial M for Moo or The Writing Is On The Mall

Dial M for Moo or The Writing Is On The Mall
Episode 4 of Left Field
Published July 1, 2008 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Of Note: There is a really cool gift shop in downtown Northfield called Oolala.

Simply Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye © 2008

FACTOID: I have heard dozens of people asking each other “Have you gotten your check from the president yet?” That just cracks me up. As if he sat down with his blue plastic covered checkbook and personally wrote us each a check, tucked it in a card with a little note that says: “Just a little moolah* from me to you! Treat yourself to something special, if you can afford the gas to get there. Ha-ha! Just Kidding! Your President, Geo. Bush.” Can you imagine? But, I digress. If you are still trying to decide how to spend your ‘check from the president’ Crazy Daze is a great opportunity to take advantage of discounts and to boost the local economy. Shop local! Buy art and goods and tasty treats, get cards and gifts for friends and loved ones.
Note: Cows are not actually capable of demonstrating a shopping addiction, but people  are. Some of them shop so much they actually develop a disorder called “hoarding”. Such persons can be seen on reality t.v. shows such as “Clean House”. Come to think of it, hoarding seems to be a word that is combined from the word herding (such as herding cattle) and the word boarding (such as boarding house). That makes sense to me. Gathering, herding and providing room and board for accumulated goods.
I once asked myself, “Self, do you have the ‘hoarder disorder?” After all, people who know me have commented that I “save everything”. And they are right. I keep bread twist-ties. I simply cannot throw them out. I have jars of buttons. I can’t throw them out either. I re-use bread bags, and I will mend clothing, including socks and underwear. I have a pair of shorts from the 70’s that I can’t throw away. I saved all of my children’s baby teeth. I still don’t know what I will do with them. They are in tiny velveteen pouches tucked inside a small plastic treasure chest that once housed some hard candy I had received as a gift. I couldn’t throw away the treasure chest either. It seemed like it would be bad ju-ju, besides I was certain I would find a use for it. Anyhow, I had thought about making a necklace out of those baby teeth, kind of like freshwater pearls or something. My kids are in their 20’s now, and my oldest is much closer to 30 than she is to 20. It would just be weird now… Again, I digress. The thing is, in my defense, I do, for the most part, thoroughly utilize the items I acquire until they are exhausted of all known or created purpose and potential. It’s true, I like to find a great deal and make good use of the deals I find. I enjoy shopping, I like getting new things, and then using them until they can’t be used no more! I drive my cars for years, until the doors fall off. I think I am being thrifty and resourceful. I use and reuse items for fun and function. I once made cool keepsake containers out of old cigar boxes with buttons glued to them (sounds weird, but they looked cool… and it’s an attractive way to store 49 years worth of bread twist-ties). And that’s good for the environment. Nope, I am not herding and boarding goods. I am not a hoarder. Besides, I keep my things in tidy order. Aren’t hoarders disorderly boarders? I bet I can get a good deal on some buttons during Crazy Daze. And that’s good for the economy.

(c) 2008 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.

Buy cool cow crap! Cow gifts for cow fans!

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