Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tongue in Cheek

Tongue in Cheek
Episode 3 of Left Field
Published June 1, 2008 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

STRANGE (and often grotesque) BUT TRUE FACTOIDS
Or Simply Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye ©2008

FACTOID: Cows are ‘ruminants’. Most ruminants, including the cow, have four stomachs, although camels and some other ruminants have three. The first stomach chamber is called the rumen. This is the chamber where large amounts of food are stored and softened. After the food is processed and softened in the rumen, it is regurgitated as the ‘cud’ and is chewed again. The chewed cud then goes directly to the other chambers of the stomach in this order; the reticulum, omasum, and abomasum, where additional digestion occurs.
Sidebar: An alternate name for the Rube might be “J. Grundy’s Rumen Stein” - come in to think and drink, chew the cud and have a Bud!  But, I digress…
Note: The word ruminate stems from the cows digestion process. Makes you think thrice or more, doesn’t it? So much to digest, so little time.
OTHER FACTOID: Cow tongue can indeed be found on delicatessen menus. I once sat next to a man who ordered a turkey-tongue sandwich. In my mind’s eye I pictured dozens of tiny little turkey tongues stuffed between two slabs of bread! Yuck! I felt like regurgitating! After ruminating briefly, I quickly recognized my faux pas and realized that he had ordered a sandwich composed of turkey meat and cow tongue (which, by the way, are ginormous). Still really gross, if you ask me, but true.

(c)2008 Sherri Faye All Rights Reserved.

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