Friday, March 5, 2010

Feelin' Froggy?

Feelin' Froggy
Episode 15 of Left Field
Published Oct. 1, 2009 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Froggy Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye ©2009

It was the summer of 2006, while living in Northfield, that I had my first fleeting inspiration for Left Field. Driving home from a mural painting gig one night, I glanced at the sign entering  town. Hmmm… Colleges, Cows and Contentment… I turned onto Division Street, and passed the Contented Cow Pub. I said to myself “Self, wouldn’t it be funny to have a comic strip about contented cows?” I made some mental notes and filed them away in the recesses of my mind. Until one winter’s eve in 2007. The sky was clear, the moon bright, sparkling soft snow blanketed Northfield. My friend, Lori, and I decided it was the perfect night for a warm bowl of chili and a frosty mug of beer at Froggy Bottom’s. An evening of joy and laughter ensued.  Lori introduced me to Rob Schanilec, publisher of the Guide. I semi-jokingly asked if his magazine needed a cartoon strip. I was thrilled when he said he was interested! I unearthed my original ideas, polished them, wrote them, drew them, and BAM! Episode 1: When the Cows Come Home was published on April Fool’s Day in 2008, and the rest is recent history!

Sue Hvistendahl was one of the first fans of Left Field to send in a request. She really wanted a Froggy Bottom’s theme… so, here it is Sue! Thanks for your support, I hope it makes you chuckle.
(c) 2009 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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