Friday, March 5, 2010

Tip of The Iceberg

Tip of The Iceberg
Episode 14 of Left Field
Published Sept. 1, 2009 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Welcome Back Fodder
By Sherri Faye ©2009

Constance is constantly scheming... she is the Lucille Ball of cows. Gotta love her entrepreneurial spirit!

After a four month creative summer sabbatical, it’s great to be back with my cows in tow…
Just before my leave of absence I had received fan mail and fun ideas from followers of Left Field. I am excited to announce that I have indeed taken their ideas under my artistic wing. Watch for more Left Field episodes that have been aided and abetted by fellow Northfieldians.

More Left Field News: I have developed Left Field merchandise featuring our lovable duo, Constance and Conrad! Coffee mugs and other items will be available in time for the holiday season, so watch for more information in future issues of the Guide!

Speaking of welcome backs! I wish to extend a special welcome home to my good friend, Lori Williams. After a year away, she is moving back to the Northfield area. Many of you remember Lori for her musical contributions to the entertainment scene in Northfield - singing and playing the sax with her band, Lore, and sharing her beautiful vocal talent at St. Olaf worship services and many other events around town. Glad you’re back, Lore, with kids in tow – just in time for The Defeat of Jesse James Days!

As always, I welcome your ideas and feedback regarding Left Field or my occasionally published Fodder column.

(c) 2009 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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