Friday, March 5, 2010


What Would Cows Do?
Episode 16 of Left Field
Published Nov. 1, 2009 in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Simply Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye ©2009

‘Green is the new black’, ‘50 is the new 30’ (of that, I am certain)… 
Is turkey the new red meat?  You decide.
I’m a ‘mogetarian’ (mostly vegetarian) - a word I coined to describe my eating habits. Why? You ask... Well, I’ve been known to  sneak a shrimp once in a while. I eat cheese, eggs and butter. And, I confess, about once a year I may  indulge in a filet mignon (for the love of God, don’t tell Constance and Conrad!). On rare occasions I scarf down a hot dog or brat at a Twin’s Game. See what I mean?
About 4 years ago my mom was hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner. I phoned her to see what I should bring. She said, “Well, let’s see… I’m  making a turkey, a pot roast, a duck that your brother shot, and a goose that your uncle shot.” I freaked out… like just how carnivorous do we need to get here?! Right?  Everyone else was bringing the salad, sides, snacks, breads, and desserts.
What was left?  More meat?
I brought a rubber chicken.

(c) 2009 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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