Friday, March 5, 2010

Sign Language

Sign Language
Episode 17 of Left Field
Published Dec. 1, 2009  in the Northfield Entertainment Guide

Simply Fodder for Your Next Cocktail Party
By Sherri Faye ©2009

This is my second winter back in Minnesota since a year and a half ‘self-appointed working sabbatical’ in San Diego. Though I enjoyed my time in southern California, I longed for a real winter. Something fell flat for me with the sameness of it all. It was like a SoCal version of the movie “Groundhog Day”: 72 degrees, sunny, same stinkin’ palm tree waving outside my window day after day… I kept checking my pulse to make sure I was still alive, and not in some sort of waiting room on the ‘other side’. The only thing missing was elevator music. The holiday’s without snow?  New Year’s Eve in Bermuda shorts and flip-flops? The thrill was gone.
I love winter. Going for quiet, whispering walks on clear, moonlit nights - the snow glittering like diamond dust. A hushed sense of anticipation permeates the world while surprises quietly incubate beneath snowdrifts, awaiting a magical spring reveal. These images come to mind when I think of the Winter Walk. No more palm trees annoying the crap out of this Minnesota girl and I couldn’t be happier! I plan to hoof it to Winter Walk - see you there, or somewhere, in greater Northfield.

Special thanks to Sue and Anna Hansen for inspiring this episode of Left Field
(c) 2009 Sherri Faye  All Rights Reserved.
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